Lunar New Year and Imbolc: Spring is just around the corner

February 1st and 2nd mark the ancient Celtic celebration of Imbolc, also known as Brigid’s Day. While the day has been tied into a variety of different religious and cultural traditions, one thing remains the same no matter what you believe in: it is a day that reminds us that spring is near. It is also the Lunar New Year, a new moon marking the beginning of a new cycle. After being closed for the month of January, it feels fitting that our re-opening date aligned so beautifully with this marker of a new season on the horizon.

Winter can be hard. The days are short, the nights long, and here in Canada especially, we have had months of cold, sometimes brutal weather. Imbolc marks the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, and it is a good time to remind ourselves that—for the most part— the harshest aspects of the season are almost behind us. 

 In just a few weeks' time, the earth will begin to reawaken. The sun will stay with us longer, the days will grow warm, the birds and other animals will return, and before we know it, seeds will begin to sprout. Spring is a time of new beginnings and clearing out stagnant energy. We all know the feeling— the first day that its warm enough to crack the windows and let in the fresh air, when the sun shines into the evening and green starts to colour our world again. Imbolc is our reminder that those days are near. We have entered a new season here at The Aura House as well. We can feel it in our bones. This time around will be different for our Brampton yoga community — for that we are hopeful. 

We can’t wait to see all of your beautiful faces. We’ll meet you on our mats. From our Auras to yours, Happy Lunar New Year and Imbolc blessings to all.

Blog Post Written by Maya Price-Baker


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