Small & Simple Ways to Celebrate the Spring Equinox

If you follow the wheel of the year (or like many Canadians, are anxiously waiting for a long Winter to come to an end), then you probably know that today is the first day of Spring— also known as the Spring Equinox. The Spring Equinox not only marks the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring but also marks the beginning of a new astrological year, with the sun entering the sign of Aries on March 21. For those who observe the Wheel of the Year, they may celebrate Ostara, one of two springtime festivals. So if the idea of longer, warmer days has you in a celebratory mood, here are some simple ways you can celebrate the Spring Equinox. 

  1. A springtime feast! A full spread isn’t necessary to celebrate the Spring Equinox, but who doesn’t want some sweet, refreshing treats when the sun starts to make its way back to us. Doesn’t the thought of elderflower lemonade and custard tarts make you want to frolic through fields of flowers? While you never need an excuse to treat yourself to something tasty, a seasonal celebration always feels like a good reason to take a trip to your favourite bakery or cafe (the Mini Egg Cookies at Segovia Coffee Co are festive AND delicious) or whip up something special at home. 

  2. Decorate your space. You know that warm, fuzzy feeling that you get when you decorate your space for your favourite holiday? That feeling doesn’t just have to be reserved for traditional holidays. Grab some flowers, put out your favourite table cloth, and add little details that make you feel excited for warmer days ahead. If you're a crystal lover, try placing your crystals near a window to admire how they look in the Sun. It truly feels like Springtime magic.

  3. Spring cleaning. Grab your duster, ready the mop bucket, and put on your favourite “come on, kids— it’s time to clean” playlist. Nothing gets you ready for spring quite like a good Spring cleaning. Freshen up your space by dusting and decluttering, and while you’re at it, try your hand at some of the energetic cleansing tips we put together in our “Spring Cleaning: Simple ways to clear stagnant energy from your home” blog.  

  4. New (astrological) Year’s Resolutions. Who says new year’s resolutions have to be reserved for January only? There are many different “new years” throughout our calendar year (anyone ever make birthday resolutions to celebrate your new year?), and the beginning of a new astrological year is one of them. Have a new goal you want to work towards this Aries season? Maybe a new class you want to try? Spring symbolizes birth, new growth, and fresh starts— so there’s no time like the present!

  5. Get outside. Last, but certainly not least, is taking time to get outside. While we’re still a couple of weeks away from April showers bringing May flowers, a breath of fresh air and a few minutes to truly appreciate the beauty of nature is one of the best ways to celebrate the changing of seasons. 

With that being said— here’s to a beautiful, abundant, Spring filled with light, laughter, and plenty of time to unwind. We can’t wait to welcome a new season with our Aura House family and to continue to grow and blossom with you all. 

Written by Maya Price-Baker


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