Spring Cleaning: Simple ways to clear stagnant energy from your home

We can all feel it! The days are getting longer and brighter, the temperature is (slowly but surely) getting warmer, and before we know it, Spring will be upon us. As we get closer to the Spring equinox (keep an eye out for our blog all about celebrating Ostara/The Spring Equinox!), we’ll likely find ourselves itching to clear out the heavy, stagnant energy that may have made its way into our spaces over the course of the darker, winter months. If you’re ready to shed the old and welcome the new, we have a few tips to help jumpstart your spring cleaning. 

Crack open a window

One of the simplest ways to let out that old, stuck energy is to open out a window and let in some fresh air. There’s nothing like the feeling of a deep breath of crisp spring air to make you feel invigorated— even if it's just for a few minutes at a time (because nobody said Spring in Canada is warm).

Use smoke cleansing

When most of us think of smoke cleansing, the first thing that comes to mind is using Sage or Palo Santo to smudge the space. However, as non-indigenous folks, it’s important that we avoid using the term “smudging” as that term belongs to a closed spiritual practice and is not for non-indigenous peoples to use as it is cultural appropriation. It’s also very important that we remember that Sage and Palo Santo are sacred plants to indigenous folks, and due to over-harvesting, have become endangered. Luckily for us, any dried herb— when used safely and respectfully — can be used to smoke cleanse your space to rid it of stagnant and negative energy. Whether you use loose or bunded herbs or incense, directing herbal smoke into a space with the intention of cleansing it of negative energy can be very effective. Just make sure to always practice fire safety. 

If you are looking to source ethical & sustainable Palo Santo locally, check out Artta Trading on Instagram. They’re doing incredible work with reforestation and the integrous use of Palo Santo. 


There's a crystal for just about everything, and energetic cleansing is no exception! Some of our favourite crystals for cleansing are:

Selenite — a stone used often used for clarity of the mind, Selenite offers protection and promotes peace while anchoring the light body in the earth’s vibration. 

Blue lace agate — known as a “starting over” stone, blue lace agate embodies spring cleaning energy as it is known to help dissolve old patterns and counteract mental stress by gently instilling peace of mind. 

Golden healer — a master healer with an exceptionally high vibration, Golden Healer is a master healer that facilitates profound change with minimal effort. 

We believe so strongly in this trio’s cleansing abilities, that we currently have it available at The Aura Store, pre-bundled and ready to go. Just inquire at the front desk! For more information on the crystals themselves, we recommend The Encyclopedia of Crystals by Judy Hall!

Use a cleansing spray or essential oils

When life gets busy and you find your hands full with responsibilities, sometimes you need something quick, easy, and reliable to help you keep your energy in a good state. One of the simplest ways to cleanse your space of stagnant energy is to use a cleansing spray or to diffuse essential oils. Luckily, you can find high-quality options for both at The Aura Store!

Do some real cleaning!

Break out your broom. Gather your supplies. Recap on Marie Kondo’s top tips for decluttering. It’ll probably come as no surprise that one of the best ways to do some energetic cleansing is to do some physical cleaning. A little dusting, mopping, and decluttering can go a long way in terms of welcoming freshness into your home. While you’re at it, it's also a great time for a little TLSC (tender loving self-care). Grab your favourite soaps and lotions and treat yourself to a long, hot shower or bath.

Spring cleaning is less about how it makes your space look and more about how it makes you feel in your space. It symbolizes a fresh start along with a new season, and there’s no better time to introduce some new tools and habits into your routine. With the different tools and modalities on offer at The Aura House, it’s the perfect place to plant the seeds for a beautiful Spring season. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out <3

Blog Post Written by Maya Price-Baker


Expanding Your Comfort Zone


Yoga Style Highlight | Restorative