What *not* to expect in a ‘beginner’ yoga class

At The Aura House, we have a variety of Yoga asana and meditation classes that are considered accessible for ‘beginners’. But what does that even mean?

Truthfully, the level of class is relative to each and every individual in the room. What is ‘gentle’ to one person may be ‘intense’ for another. So the only way to truly know if a class is the right fit for you, is to give it a try with an open mind and a willingness to advocate for yourself if something isn’t working for you.

With all that being said, there are a few ways to know if a Yoga class should be meant for a ‘beginner’ to attend.

  1. It will say ‘Beginner’ in the title or description of the class

  2. The description will include something along the lines of ‘modifications will be provided’

  3. You’ll be recommended to use props like straps or blocks during the Yoga practice

Here’s what you should NOT expect in a ‘beginner’ Yoga asana or meditation practice though … for it to be ‘easy’.

The practice of Yoga is incredibly profound in the depth of awareness that can be achieved in even the simplest of postures or exercises. For example, in today’s Gentle Yoga practice with Parool Mehta, RYT-200, we were given several cues to practice that when put together, would become a strong and stable Tadasana, or ‘Mountain’ pose.

  • Feel all 4 corners of your feet on the ground

  • Grip the pads of your big toes to the mat

  • Lift your arches

  • Subtle bend in the knees

  • Lifting of the pelvic floor

  • Drawing of the belly button towards the spine

  • Drawing of the shoulder blades down and back as though the bottom corners of them are trying to kiss

  • Crown of the head reaching towards the ceiling

  • oh … and remember to breathe!

All of these cues, ‘just’ to stand still. And 30 minutes worth of other breath and asana (posture) practice before coming into a final Mountain. Standing still is seemingly ‘simple', but when you are standing with a full awareness of your body, your breath, and your place in space … MY is it ever challenging.

At The Aura House, we believe that our ‘Beginner’ Yoga classes are actually ‘Advanced’ … because they dive deep. You are getting an advanced level opportunity to develop your body awareness in a way that is both accessible for new practitioners, and stimulating for more seasoned yogis. After all, when we approach our mat with a Beginner’s Mind, the possibilities for growth are profound.

If you’re a ‘Beginner’ and ready to give the practice of Yoga a try, click here to take advantage of our Intro Special ✨


Restorative Yoga Retreat (or Individual workshops) | February 10-12, 2023


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