5 Things to Look for in a Yoga Studio

Just like every person’s yoga practice is different, every yoga studio is a little different too. When you’re looking for a studio to call home, knowing what to look for can be overwhelming. Is it the instructors? The classes? The space? 
We’ve put together a list of the top 5 most important things we think you should look for in a yoga studio to help narrow down your criteria. 


One of the first things you want to look for in a yoga studio is inclusion! Nobody should feel left out when they walk through the doors of a studio. When you arrive at the studio, do you feel welcome? Do you feel like you belong there? We are very careful to make sure that building community— NOT cliques— is part of our studio culture here at The Aura House.


Another thing you want to look at when you walk into a studio is diversity. Brampton is a diverse community, and the Brampton yoga community is no exception. We want to see our greater community reflected in our studio community. That means a diverse range of instructors and practitioners that come through our doors every day. This goes back to inclusion— is the studio a place where all types of people from all walks of life can come, practice, and feel accepted? 

A schedule that works with yours

Finding a studio that works for you is about finding a studio that works for you! That means one that works for your schedule. Before you sign up for a membership at a studio, make sure to look at the schedule and see if classes are offered at a wide range of times that fit in with your schedule! We offer morning, evening, and weekend classes to accommodate a variety of personal schedules. We want to see you here as much as you want to be here, so offering a wide range of classes that fit into your lives is the least we can do!

If you’re unsure of whether or not our schedule works for you, we’re here to help. Fill out our “New Member Questionnaire” and we’ll send you a list of recommended classes that fit what you’re looking for. 

Convenient location

Getting yourself to a yoga class when you have a busy life is challenging enough sometimes, and it’s even more challenging when the studio location is inconvenient to get to. When looking for a studio that works for you, don’t forget to consider the location! The Aura House is located in Downtown Brampton, just steps away from the Brampton GO Terminal and bus station. The building has ample parking, and can easily be accessed by car, bus, or train. Accessibility is also important— thankfully we are in a fully accessible building, and have an elevator just outside of our doors to get you up to and down from the third floor.

A space that feels safe 

What we would argue is most important when looking for a yoga studio is finding a space that feels safe. While we love when practitioners come in and rave about the beautiful exposed brick walls, wooden beams, and dye-splattered floors of this historic shoe factory, that’s only our second-favourite thing to hear about this space. Above all, we want our community members to come into this space and feel safe, held, and supported. We want you to come in and be able to fully unwind and unfold. We love to hear how this space makes you feel, aside from how it looks. 

Finding a yoga studio that feels like the right fit for you can be tough, but once you do, it can truly become a second home. The Brampton yoga community is growing by the day, and we are grateful for everyone who calls The Aura House their second home. 


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