Finding Stress Relief in Brampton

It’s no secret that many of us are stressed— if you yourself aren’t stressed, chances are you know someone who is. Unfortunately, when overwhelm and anxiousness start to weigh you down, it can be hard to know where to turn. What helps with stress? 

The solution is different for everyone, but luckily Brampton is filled with fantastic providers and resources that you can use to help find relief. Here are a few of our favourite ways to help find some stress relief when we’re feeling the pressure. 


It’s probably not much of a shocker that yoga is at the top of our list. Through a combination of physical movement (asana), breathing exercises (pranayama), and meditation, yoga is proven to help regulate the nervous system and help manage stress. Attending a yoga studio also provides you with the opportunity to be part of a community, take time for yourself away from your other responsibilities, and to step away from the constant stimulation of our phones and other technology. We offer yoga classes at The Aura House, but we’re only one of several Brampton yoga and wellness spaces. 

Hot Yoga

Hot yoga offers lots of the same benefits as regular yoga, but we’re giving it its own spotlight in our list because in many ways, it's a whole different ball game. When you step into a heated yoga room, your body experiences sensations that you aren’t likely to come across in a non-heated yoga class. Hot yoga has a good way of getting you out of your head and into your body, which can be particularly helpful for folks who need a break from their mental stressors. We don’t offer hot yoga at The Aura House, however, there are several Brampton yoga studios who do! Our friends at Hot Yoga Wellness in Brampton are a great place to check out if you’re interested in giving hot yoga a try. 


Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique that translates to “universal life force energy”. Using symbols, gentle touch, and several other meditative practices, certified reiki practitioners can help clear stagnant energy in the body to help promote healing, reduce stress, and calm anxiety. The reiki practitioners at The Aura House are knowledgeable and ready to help in whatever ways they can. You can book appointments for aromatherapy reiki and crystal-infused reiki at The Aura House at this link.

Massage Therapy

While most of us are aware of how stress can affect us mentally, it’s easy to forget the different ways that stress can manifest itself in the physical body as well. When we’re stressed, the body can react with symptoms like headaches, changes in blood pressure, trouble with sex and sleep— and of course— general body aches and pains. If you’re noticing stress in the body, you may want to consider massage therapy. A massage combines a calming environment with the healing hands of a licensed practitioner to help relieve tension in the body and mind. Our friends at Nirvana Wellness Centre are knowledgeable professionals that you can count on to help you tackle the tension you’re holding onto. 

Sound Healing

Sound healing hasn’t been popular in the mainstream for very long, but is a healing practice that is quickly gaining traction. Sound healers use a variety of instruments like crystal bowls, singing bowls, spirit drums and more to help bring synchronization and balance back to your body and energetic system. A few of the known benefits of sound healing are improved sleep, improved memory and concentration, deep relaxation and reduced pain and inflammation— all of which can help lead to a reduction in the effects of stress. We’re so happy to have a sound healer, Karen Mackisoc, offering one-on-one sound healing appointments here at The Aura House. 


Meditation is one of the most heavily researched holistic stress remedies, and the results are mind-blowing. Meditation has been shown to have numerous neurological benefits— it can essentially rewire the brain to strengthen parts of the brain that help with emotional regulation, memory and concentration, sleep, and more. Meditation is something that can easily be done at home, but some people find it helpful to have a guide or group to practice along with. We offer a free community meditation class here at The Aura House on Tuesdays at 6pm. We ask that you pre-register on our wellness living platform, but beware—class fills up fast.  

The options available to you if you’re struggling to find relief from stress are diverse and numerous. If you are having a hard time finding something that works for you, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask us about the modalities on offer here at The Aura House, or for advice on where to look if what you need can’t be found here. 

Now, take a deep breath all the way into the belly…. 

And release. 


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