5 Easy Steps to Self Care This Holiday Season

I’m not sure about you, but the hustle and bustle of the holidays definitely keeps me on my toes and not always in a good way. It can be very stressful to keep up with planning events, party menus, dealing with so many energies in one room AND trying to maintain some sort of “normal” at home for the family. As a Reiki practitioner I’m asked all the time for tips on how to relieve stress, find balance and manage the holiday season with a smile. Here are my 5 easy steps to self care that you can do at home, on the go, and at the Aura House to provide you with balance, high vibration and simple stress relief.


Number 5 on my list of easy options is: REMEMBERING TO BREATHE.  

We as consumers get wrapped up in the "gifting to others" part of the holiday season, we forget that we need to be good to ourselves. Take time to breathe, whether it be at home, at the studio or even while driving home in traffic. It is amazing to see what taking a moment to breathe intentionally can do to calm and balance our mind, body and spirit.  It doesn’t matter if you take 5 minutes, 30 minutes, or an entire class at the studio— just breathe with intention. Take those moments for yourself and take them as often as you need to. They will do wonders for you and your body.


Easy option #4 ~ MAKE A LIST.

I make lists all the time to keep my mind at ease. I find that people tend to have a harder time relaxing and allowing their body/mind to truly meditate or heal when they have things on their mind.  Make a list … on your phone, on paper— what you write it on is not important, what is important is that you write it down. Once the mind knows the thought is placed somewhere for safe keeping, it will release that concerned tension and begin to relax.  Therefore, when you create that list, it is your way of allowing your mind and your central nervous system to truly appreciate and absorb the healing benefits of Reiki and meditation. So before we see you at Reiki Circle this month, or any other brilliant class happening at the Aura House, make that list!  


Easy option #3 ~ USE THOSE OILS!

When I began my learning journey into wellness through Reiki, I knew that essential oils would most definitely become a big part of my practice. Essential oils contain their own frequencies and vibrations and when matched with meditation and Reiki, the combination is powerful. There are many oils one can choose from to assist and support stress relief. You can choose single oils or blends, but which ones do you choose when there are so many plants out there!? Here is a general guideline for when you are looking for oils to assist and support your mood and/or relieve stress:

  • Tree Oils ~ grounding, calming (Pine, Spruce)

  • Citrus Oils ~ awaken the senses, freshen the mind (Lemon, Orange)

  • Flower Oils - calming, joyful, comfort (Lavender, Ylang Ylang)

  • Biblical Oils - spiritual, calming, focus (Frankincense, Myrrh)

  • Mint Oils - focus, clear mind (Peppermint, Spearmint)


Applying these oils with your choice of a carrier oil (fractionated coconut oil, jojoba oil, etc.) on pulse points or the bottom of your feet will allow these bottles of plant bliss to work their magic. Create roller bottles of blends that work for you and keep them on hand. and add them to your daily regime this holiday season.

**to discuss further or order your essential oils, contact Kristine @amplifyyourspirit on Instagram.


Easy option #2 ~ MEDITATION

I used to believe that meditating was not for me. I could never clear my mind enough to receive any benefit from it. That was until I decided that filling MY cup needed to be just as important as filling everyone else’s. Don’t forget—The Aura House offers meditation classes right here in Brampton. And if stillness in meditation isn’t for you, movement meditation is always an option. Find a yoga studio nearby (here are some tips for what to look for) and spend some time in your body instead of in your head. If a meditation studio isn’t up your alley, I encourage you to find guided meditations online to help keep you focused. 

Last but not least, 


Easy option #1 ~ RECEIVE REIKI

A Reiki session or Reiki circle allows you to receive universal life force energy. It allows you to relax into a meditative state, which allows your central nervous system to take a break and heal. When we truly allow our central nervous system to hit pause for a 30 minute Reiki session, we are allowing ourselves to heal with the support of the Reiki energy.


When I say heal, people think, "I’m not sick or hurt. I don’t need healing." In this instance, healing does not have to come from injury or sickness. We forget that everyday life takes its toll on each and every one of us.  We need to begin to HEAL our mind, body and spirit with practices that allow us to release the “life” that builds over time. So yes— you can use reiki for stress relief! Stress, frustrations, the busy-ness of life … all of that needs to heal so we can fill our cup back up and be good to ourselves.


Take time this holiday season to be good to you. Self care practice is not selfish, it’s a must that we all be good ourselves and nourish our mind, body and spirit.  Begin to use these tools for yourself on a daily basis and add in a yoga class or Reiki practice once a month. In fact, when you register as a new member at The Aura House, you receive 10% off 1:1 appointments like reiki and sound healing, so you can give them a try and see just how well they work. When you begin to be good to yourself with these daily tasks and grant yourself the practice in-studio and in appointments, you will feel the difference in all aspects of your life. I look forward to seeing you all at the studio and hearing about your new self care, stress free practices.


Be well, and continue to Amplify Your Spirit.

Blog Post Written by Kristine DaCosta and edited by Maya Price Baker


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