Happy Real New Year! Why Spring Equinox may be the best time for THAT “New Year, New Me” energy
What if you found out that the standard December 31st year end goes against who we are inherently as human beings? That before the introduction of the 12 month Gregorian calendar by the Catholic Church in 1582, most groups of folks understood the sophisticated language of the Earth. Winter was a time for rest & regeneration and Spring was the time we welcomed longer days, warmer weather and new growth. I stopped making New Year’s resolutions a long time ago because I couldn’t stand the dissatisfaction of letting myself down. I’d put so much pressure on myself to wake up January 1st with a “New Year, New Me”, only to find myself abandoning those same resolutions before April even rolled around. Looking back in retrospect, how was I planting seeds in the dead of winter expecting for something to grow and flourish?
Traditionally, many cultures move with nature as a way to measure time. Before clocks and calendars, the cycles experienced through seasons was the method for understanding the right timing for us as humans to take action. We listened to the needs of the earth and the signals Mother Nature sent us to work in harmony with her so we could reap the benefits of abundance through harvest. If you ask me, that is better than any app on an iPhone!
All over the world, different traditions and celebrations welcome in the start of Spring. In India, Holi is a joyful celebration that lasts over two days – beginning the day before and day of the Spring Equinox (sounds a lot like NYE and New Year’s Day!). Bonfires with dancing pay homage to important legend of Prahlad and Hiranyakashipu; while bright coloured paints are thrown at friends, family and strangers alike to commemorate the epic love story of Krishna and Rhada. Norooz, the Persian New year is an exciting time with celebrations and rituals centered around fresh starts, new beginnings with wishes for prosperity, and leaving behind remnants of the past. [1] Japan celebrates Shun Bun No hi by visiting their deceased ancestors and loved ones to clean their tombstones and offer food, drinks & treats in remembrance of them. While in England, the Druid and Wiccan celebrate Ostara. They welcome Spring by giving thanks to the east, west, south, and north by raising their hands and turning to each point. As the sun slowly begins to rise on the east side of the stones, the pagans and druids stand to quietly watch the rising sun and embrace the new light of Spring. [2]
This is why it can be of great benefit to understanding the energy of Spring Equinox. Here are two ways you can use this powerful energy to create new space for prosperity, good fortune and abundance:
Elevate your Spring Cleaning infusing your mop water with magic
Out with the old and in with the new! Spring is a great time to get rid of the things that we accumulated during the year which no longer serve us. As we create an enjoyable environment in our spaces, we put ourselves in a clear space and mind to enjoy the coming longer days with warm weather that Summer brings with a clear space and mind. Why not take your Spring Cleaning routine to another level with this simple but effective Mop Magic ritual:
1) Sweep your space and as you clear out the dust & debris, envision in your mind you are clearing all the stagnant energy that does not serve you
2) Grab your mop and mop bucket and fill with extra hot water.
3) Add 1-2 drops each of Lavender, Frankincense, Tea Tree and Grapefruit essential oils into your mop bucket with the water (use gloved hands as essential oils can cause skin irritation & avoid contact with eyes and bareskin)
4) Close your eyes and channel the energy of calmness, protection, cleanliness and high vibrational energy into the mop water
5) As you mop, send this energy through your charged up water into the corners of your home through thought or stating positive affirmations out loud
Create a Wealth Altar in your wallet for prosperity
You will need: a small piece of citrine and pyrite crystals, bay leaf & sharpie
1) Grab your wallet or coin purse
2) Clear the energy of your wallet or coin purse, the bay leaf, citrine & pyrite gems with sacred smoke like the Palo Santo sticks from Arrta Trading. We carry the local brand in house and really stand behind their sustainably obtained and ethically sourced products from the dry tropical forests of Ecuador; with a proceed of their sales supporting the Reforestation Programs in that area.
3) Charge your Citrine with the energy of keeping money in your wallet; and charge your Pyrite with energy of attracting money to your wallet.
4) Grab the bay leaf and sharpie. Write down either a word/phrase (ie. abundance, financial freedom) on it.
Place the charged up Citrine, Pyrite and Bay Leaf inside your wallet or coin purse. Look at them often and remember the intentions you assigned to them. Re-charge the energy on new moons and replace the bay leaf with the same or different phrases as needed.
Pyrite Crystal
By acknowledging the beginning of Spring as the time to tap into the intelligence of the Earth we live on, you can use this momentum to propel you towards the new starts you’re looking for. You can come from winter, rested and ready to spring into the beginning of a new season - one that was destined by Mother Nature to be the perfect time to put in the work that make your garden grow.
At The Aura House, we’re not just a Yoga studio. Just like a seed is planted in the warm Spring months leading to Summer, we are here to be the space for you to grow and create new beginnings in your life as you see fit. Our space is the hidden gem in Downtown Brampton’s Old Shoe Factory where you can explore the different facets of yourself through both self study & guidance. From our curated crystal selection, to our member library filled with great books on various schools of thought for you to learn from and our team of practitioners who are ready to offer their Metaphysical practices & Spiritual knowledge to guide you through a 1:1 session.
Come visit us today and we’ll be glad to help nurture you as you grow into this season of new beginnings! vWe hope to see you in the studio soon, Happy Nu Year ;)