Imagine this:

You’re scrolling through your friend’s feed looking for that post raving about a new book you wanted to look into. Her latest reel distracts you, a panoramic view of a gorgeous sun kissed studio where she did an Energizing Yoga Flow over the weekend. You press on the tagged location and to your surprise... it’s in Brampton?! You replay it one more time, pausing to inspect the room’s exposed brick walls, large inviting windows and wood beam ceilings full of character. It definitely doesn’t look like what you think you would find here in the suburbs. Maybe Toronto’s Distillery District, Montreal’s St-Henri neighbourhood or its even giving…dare I say, Brooklyn vibes? You’re intrigued and you now you just HAVE to find out if this is click bait or if this place lives up to the expectations of the ‘gram.

You tap on the studio’s handle to their profile and as you continue to scroll down their grid, that nagging ache in your mid back makes itself known. YIKES! Once again, your body decides to remind you that it has been awhile since you’ve gotten on your yoga mat. The winter weather seems like it lasted forever and endless nights of Netflix bundled up in a blanket avoiding the cold has finally caught up to you. Suddenly, you realize that you’re tight and tense in more places than one. You follow the link to space’s schedule and see if there’s an offering that can give you the remedy your body needs like, ASAP. As if the stars align, you snag the last spot for tonight’s Rest + Restore class : a gentle yoga inspired flow designed to invite relaxation through rest into tired & tense bodies through a slower sequence with longer held poses. You already feel a sense of calm knowing that you’ll be treating your muscles to some TLC - and you’re not even there yet!

It’s 5.30 PM now. Driving down Mill Street through Downtown Brampton, you take in the charming, well kept houses along the way to the studio. Before heading here you Googled “The Old Shoe Factory” out of curiosity, where The Aura House is located. You learn that this area was the traditional territory of the Anishinabek, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee and Ojibway/Chippewa peoples; the land that is home to the Metis; and most recently, the territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation who are direct descendants of the Mississaugas of the Credit. [1] Archaeological evidence confirms that native peoples had hunting camps and small villages along the Credit and Humber river valleys from about 8000 B.C.E. [2]

The building is rich itself in history as it was originally home to the Hewetson Shoe Company. Built in the early 1900’s, it is a designated heritage site. Although Brampton is known as “The Flower Town of Canada”, the shoe manufacturing industry was the second largest employer in the area. As you approach the driveway leading to the brick structure, you get the feeling that Dorothy got in The Wizard of OZ. Toto, we’re not in Brampton (not the one you had in mind anyway) anymore! As you walk through the entrance, you catch sight of the Neo-Gothic style & Chicago architecture features and collection of antiques from its time dedicated to shoe making. You realize that this space has been a home for creativity to happen and thrive long before you stumbled upon it.

You walk up the stairs to the third floor, making a left turn arriving at your destination. As you walk through the doors, you hear laughter and smell the sweet aroma of incense wafting through the air. You’re greeted by one of the staff at the front desk with a bright, warm smile:

“Your first time? Welcome!”

It’s golden hour now and the sun dancing brilliantly across the walls mesmerizes you. You’re brought back into the space by the friendly voice offering you a tea or alkaline water. You’re taken on a quick tour of the studio, admiring the array of crystals, yoga props, jewellery and other interesting items lining the shelves for sale. Your heart leaps as you notice a plethora of books and you find out that this is the studio’s lending library for members, drawing the avid reader in you towards it. A little giggle arises as it dawns on you that what actually lead you here to begin with was being in the pursuit of a book to read! Tangent, much? Before you can begin to browse the titles, you’re side tracked by the announcements of upcoming workshops, events & the array of 1:1 healing sessions  available in the space and realize there is so much more here within your reach beyond Yoga. Seeing the other students walking into the next room, you notice that class is about to start. You make a mental note: take a peek at the goodies after class and try your best not to get distracted…again.

You’re making your way into The Sanctuary, the larger of the two spaces here, where you’ll be practicing. Finally, you get to take in what you saw on your screen with your own eyes for the first time. It’s even more than you imagined, social media not giving it enough justice. Even with the expansive space and high ceilings, it feels almost womb like in here: inviting, cozy, warm and safe. You take a spot in the room where the rays of sunlight sparkle as they spread across the shiny floorboards. The instructor, Rebecca, comes over to introduce herself to you. She welcomes you since it’s your first time practicing together; asking if there’s anything she should know about your body like past injuries, medical conditions or difficult movements. Before she leaves for her own mat, she hands you a consent card which lets her know if you’re open to hands on adjustments or not. You feel held in knowing that your comfort and individuality is well accounted for by your guide, easing you into the experience even more.

The next hour feels like a dream. “A moving nap” is what the class is described as - with deep, yummy stretches in harmony with sound as medicine create a unique experience unlike any you’ve ever had before. The playing of different musical instruments like the ocean drum transports you to the beach, where you can almost feel the sand in between your toes as it mimics the tone of waves gently meeting the shore. As the class ends, you come back into your body relaxed and with a renewed mind. There’s a feeling of lightness in every sense, physically and energetically. You marvel at the fact that the aches that you had gotten used to living with have now somehow dissipated. Gathering your belongings, you catch a glimpse of yourself in one of the antique mirrors on the wall. Admiring the new serene gaze in your own reflection, you smile as you feel a deep sense of restoration and peace.

As you cross the doors of stained glass threshold, you recognize that the sun is setting now. The sky is filled with gradients of oranges and pinks against the deep hues of blue. You see the same peaceful look on the faces of your fellow students as they exit the room and tap into the profound collective energy that you all now share. You know that you’ve found something special here. A place that your body, mind + soul will now crave to be in. The community. The energy. The experiences. The space itself. It feels like you’ve finally found the physical container for you to explore, expand and evolve. You can’t help but know that you’ve truly discovered a hidden gem in an unlikely place - somewhere you can come to uncover the different facets of yourself, letting each one shine brightly like a precious crystal in the radiance of the sun.


You go back to the friendly face at the front desk and ask they how your first class was. Just as you’re about answer, your eyes move to the sign on the desk that calls to you. The studio’s Spring Special is in the dollar amount of YOUR absolute favourite angel number – we love some synchronicity! The excitement within you builds as you sign up to have unlimited experiences in the space for the next 3 months, knowing that this isn’t just a membership, it is an investment in becoming the best version of yourself. The website said, “Come for the Yoga. Discover so much more.” and that couldn’t be more true. You reach for your phone to check the out all classes and in-studio offerings now available to you but feel a slight draw back. Almost as if you’re being called to just be here in the moment, in the space for a tiny second longer. You take a deep breath. Unplugged. Untethered. Unbound.

How serendipitous is it that aura of this place called out to you so that you could unknowingly come home to yourself? Suddenly, that unresolved mission to find a new book makes its way back into your frame of mind. Your feet seem to instinctually follow that thought as you walk back to the bookcase that you’re sure holds your next read you’ve been looking for.

OH YES, that’s what I was doing.




Happy Real New Year! Why Spring Equinox may be the best time for THAT “New Year, New Me” energy