How to Set Intentions + Establish Your Core Values

There is a distinct and felt difference between moving through life aimlessly and approaching life with intention. Nothing is inherently ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ about either approach, but if time is something you wish you had more of, setting intentions and staying true to your core values when decision making could be the practice you need. 

Without setting intentions or being aware of your core values, you might find yourself giving away or ‘leaking’ energy while maintaining very little, if any, for yourself. ‘Leaking’ energy can feel like:

  • Procrastination

  • Irritation

  • Frustration

  • Resentment

  • Exhaustion

… and it can make you question what your core values really are, which makes decision making difficult and potentially anxiety inducing. 

Setting an intention is like plugging an address into a GPS. Although there are many different roads you can take to reach your destination, the destination is the goal. Your core values inform the choices you make (aka the roads you take) to get there. 

Seems simple enough right? But if you’re bogged down and overwhelmed from all of the energy you’ve been ‘leaking’, setting intentions and making core value aligned choices is not actually easy. When you’re exhausted, this work could feel like:

  • Knowing where you want to go but not having the tools or resources to get there … OR

  • Having an abundance of tools and resources available to you, but not knowing where you want to go

Sometimes it takes stepping out of your own head, and leaning on the support of others to find clarity (like that GPS in your phone you likely rely on!) Sometimes, the words of another can spark a moment of inspiration that:

  • Light the path to where you want to go 

  • Shine a light on your destination

  • Make you feel like you’re not alone along the way

If you find you are leaking away too much of your energy and want to map out a better way to live your life, join us for an evening of reflection and guided intention setting on October 16th with Mira Mistry, RYT-200



What we are only, is human. Our cracks let in the light


An Antidote for when too many things feel ‘up in the air’