“It’s not the end … it’s only the beginning”

There is something magical about strangers who come together in class, practicing alongside one another, realizing that their stories are parallel in ways they wouldn’t know unless someone asked them to come together and share. 

From the etched-out windows of our studio office, I hear the Reformers and the folks using them as I tinker away at the inner workings of the studio. My curiosity for who they are and how they got here is something that compels me to reach out, and I know I am divinely led to put pen to paper and bring their stories to light. 

Our Aura Stories bring us together, our histories make us realize why it was meant to be. ✨

When Jodi and Delia sat facing the sun setting through our studio windows, I knew their stories would shine like the glow on their faces every time they leave class. 

Jodi, an empty nester has spent the last 7 years post-divorce trying to remember who she was before she became a wife and a Mom. 

“Sometimes I know who I am … and sometimes I don’t.” - Jodi

Delia, a single Mom, Registered Nurse, and oftentimes ‘counselor’ to those who lean on her, also had that epiphany when she separated from her partner several years ago. “Who am I aside from being a Nurse … being a Mom? Who am I?” - Delia

Both Jodi & Delia have spent the greater part of their lives living in Brampton. During our conversation, they discovered that they both used to get their hair done at the salon that used to be on the main floor of the studio’s building. Even then, the Universe was trying to get these two in the same room :P 

Amazingly, at roughly the same time two years ago, both Jodi & Delia discovered Reformer Pilates. The only problem was that there were no Reformer Pilates studios in Brampton at the time. 

A friend of mine encouraged me to try my first Reformer class in Vancouver (up to that point I was not interested in Pilates at all). After that one class, I was hooked. I came home to Brampton and scoured social media to find a Reformer Studio.” - Jodi

Jodi found herself traveling outside of Brampton to take Reformer classes, and Delia gave both yoga and hot yoga a try at different studios. But those places weren’t the fit they were hoping for.

For Delia, the other studios just “didn’t feel right” to her. And for Jodi, she needed a studio that wouldn’t be intimidating or too ‘Soccer-Mom’ focused. 

The Aura House is not intimidating like other yoga studios or a gym. Everyone is friendly. No one is staring at you … it’s a community.” - Jodi

The vibe of The Aura House gives a spirituality to movement practices like Pilates. “The instructors guide us to listen to our body and I never walk out feeling put down or like a failure. All of the instructors here are good at accommodating everyone in the room - something that takes great skill.- Delia

When we opened the Reformer Room in September of 2023, Jodi and Delia were so excited to start taking classes. 

For me, my Reformer classes are about me. They’re my hour. I don’t let my mind wander to what I have to do. I enjoy every minute I’m in there. I don’t even watch the clock …- Jodi

Jodi shared with us that she gets disappointed when classes are over, and Delia agreed. Their joking plea of ‘5 more minutes’ reminded me of kids who aren’t ready to put their favourite toys away. I was starting to see more and more why Reformer is so popular … it’s playful. 

The Reformer makes me feel more confident in how I exercise. I was never a big fitness person. You wouldn’t catch me at the gym.- Jodi

The smaller class size makes me zone in on myself. No one is looking at you, everyone is focused on themselves.” - Delia

Listening to these two women vibing off one another was highly confirmational. “It’s true. I’m so in my body … It’s about me and what I’m capable of doing. I’m not comparing myself to others like I would in a more fitness-focused environment.” - Jodi

When asked ‘What do you most look forward to when you come to the studio?’, Delia’s share captured the essence of both our space and our members to a ‘T’.

“Sometimes I come for clarity. My mind can be really busy. Most women … we’re doing a million and one things all day. Here I focus on my breath and the movement. Something happens in that room (The Sanctuary) where the meditative state and clarity just come through. I know if I’ve had a rough day, I need to go to The Aura House. I know my mat or my reformer will give me what I need.” - Delia

Nodding in agreeance, Jodi added “There’s a stillness in your mind that comes up. In class is the only time where I’ve ever been 100% present.” - Jodi

As Moms, both Jodi and Delia dedicate so much of themselves and their time to caring for other people. As a new Mom myself, I can certainly relate. Sitting with them and hearing their stories gave me a glimmer that although it may be hard and uncomfortable to put yourself first, it’s a “non-negotiable” that neither of these women would want to live without. 

I’m surprised at how okay I’ve become with taking an hour for myself. But at the root of it, I want that relationship with myself. I want to be with myself. And now, I’m really, really okay with that. I can’t imagine not having a relationship with myself anymore.” - Delia

If you’ve ever tried getting into a Reformer class at The Aura House, you may have noticed that they fill up quick with wait lists. There’s a thrill of the chase that both Jodi & Delia experience when they book the class they just finished 3 weeks in advance because that’s when booking opens. “It’s funny the things that you’ll do to make it work.” - Jodi

Once you get into the rhythm, the benefits are well worth the challenges to get in. As a Registered Nurse, Delia appreciates how the Reformer helps with bone health, muscle health and balance. 

I’ve transformed physically and my patients see the change. A lot of times they’ll comment and ask what I’m doing.” - Delia

And Jodi is an advocate of the practice because she feels herself getting stronger and more balanced. Even when she’s challenged by an exercise in class, it’s the type of challenge she enjoys because she doesn’t put herself down in the process. 

I wish more middle-aged women knew about the Reformer. I’m 52 and you get to a certain age where you don’t have confidence in your body anymore. Hot flashes, physical changes, menopause … they don’t feel good. So you have to find something that makes you feel good.” - Jodi

In Delia’s nursing practice, she sees how many women think menopause is something you have to suffer through. But she shared, “you don’t have to white knuckle it ‘til it’s done’. Menopause isn’t the end … it’s only the beginning.”

Their journeys to self started with endings of relationships. Their journeys to joy started when they ended the belief that they can’t put themselves first. 

As I sat in front of these two strong, bright, brave, beautiful women who have the courage to ask themselves ‘who am I?’, a response to their question was forming:

You are extraordinary … that’s who you are. 

More and more I am finding that we identify so easily with the roles we play, while identifying with our spirit seems just out of reach. That voice inside that says ‘I don’t know who I am right now’ is your spirit saying ‘please, see me as the M I R A C L E I am’.

And in the most unlikely of places, on a Reformer pilates machine, amongst strangers who turn into friends … that miracle comes to light, and you leave with an Aura glow. 

At the time of our interview, Jodi and Delia were both considering taking Reformer Pilates Teacher Training. They’ve since taken the last 2 spots 👯‍♀️ 🥳 We are so excited for their Aura stories to Unfold in this way!


“My Sacred Secret is now a Shared Sanctuary”