The Aura House Cacao Ceremony Guide - Pramilda Zackhariyas

We recently welcomed Pramilda Zackhariyas into our co-op of healing practitioners at our studio space in Downtown Brampton, and her Aura is a true source of love and evolvement.

She is a Mama, Guide, and Mentor to those who are starting to remember who they are and why they are here. She is fascinated by the patterns that show up in our lives and the unique ways life curates lessons to help us remember.

Pramilda works with sacred plant medicine and will be guiding our first Cacao Ceremony of 2023 this coming Saturday, January 21st from 7:00 - 10:00 pm

Working with plant medicine has changed her life and rebuilt her from ground zero:

“I believe that each of us is on our own heroic journey with a highly personalized life curriculum that is designed to help us remember our power and purpose. Life often has a funny way of helping us to remember why we are here. My call to adventure first came when I lost my mother to leukemia, as I was just becoming a mama myself. I was pretty clueless at that time that it took devastating illness and life as I had known it coming to a complete pause for me to finally notice. 

I spent the first 12+ years of my professional career in corporate human resources guiding leaders in the Technology & Business Consulting industry to develop best practices around performance management, cultural change, leadership & employee engagement. This is where I developed an appreciation and understanding of the importance of supporting the whole human being.  Then illness arrived and my life took another direction. I’ve spent the last 12+ years being a guide and mentor to others on their own path of remembering.” - Pramilda Zackhariyas

Pramilda is deeply passionate about studying the science of the mind, the effects of childhood and life trauma and unresolved emotions on one’s health, happiness and well-being. Formally, she has an Honours B.A. from the University Of Toronto in Sociology and Post-Graduate Studies in Human Resources. She is also trained in:

  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

  • NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

  • Faster EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

  • Transformative Mindfulness Facilitation

  • Interpersonal Neurobiology and the Neuroscience of Interpersonal Transformation

  • Hypnosis

  • 10+ years of studying Metaphysical Healing Techniques & Approaches. 

Pramilda is also a Yoga Alliance certified Hatha Yoga Instructor. 

“My greatest teacher has been life itself. I truly believe we are living in times that require us to take, ‘radical responsibility’ for what we create in our own lives, and next on our planet.  It is my sincerest honour to serve in ways that heal the heart of humanity.” - PZ

Join Pramilda in studio on January 21st for a heart opening, 3-Hour Cacao Ceremony by registering here:

You can learn more about Pramilda by visiting




Restorative Yoga Retreat (or Individual workshops) | February 10-12, 2023