Pendulums & Purification Sprays: A guide to some of the less familiar items in The Aura Store

If you’ve ever been to The Aura Store, chances are you’ve noticed a table filled with tools and accessories that you may not be familiar with. This table of witchy tools often earns confused glances and plenty of questions, so we figured we'd put together a little guide to help make sense of some of the less familiar items we carry. 


Pendulums are decision-helping tools (we don’t call them decision-makers because at the end of the day, you’ve got the power!). They can help guide you towards simple answers to yes or no questions by swinging in certain shapes/directions. They can be used on their own or with a pendulum board or mat to help interpret the answers. When you first get your pendulum, we suggest cleansing it (smoke or sound cleansing works well) and charging it (put intention into it or sleep with it under your pillow) before your first use. 

To use your pendulum, find a quiet place and sit or stand comfortably. Hold the chain with your dominant hand between your index finger and thumb and take a few deep breaths. Hold it out in front of you and first ask it to show you “yes”, “no”, “maybe”, and “rephrase”, and take note of how it moves for each answer. Then you can go ahead and ask your questions — the answers will align with the first indications it gave you in the last step. If using a pendulum mat or board, simply notice towards which answer the pendulum swings. 

Crystal Grid Mats: 

Crystal grid mats or boards are tools to help you create and build a crystal grid using sacred geometry. The mats help you to place your crystals in a grid that feels right for you by offering points on which you can place them.

To use your crystal grid board or mat, start by cleansing your mat/board and then, with intention, place your crystals in the symmetrical pattern that resonates with you. If you need inspiration for crystal grids, you can always check out our pre-made crystal grid kits in The Aura Store. 

Altar Candles: 

Candles are a great tool to have on-hand if you are interested in working with colour correspondences (like black for protection or white for cleansing), elemental correspondences (fire, of course), or to use in meditation. Many religions and spiritual practices use candles in prayer, spellwork, and energy work. 

First and foremost, ensure you are practising candle (read: fire) safety when using your altar candles.  Keep candles away from curtains and other loose fabrics, children, and pets, and never leave your altar candles burning unattended. To use your candles in meditation, find a comfortable seat where you can see the flame of your candle and focus your gaze and attention on the flame. Let the flame fill your mind, and when your thoughts start to drift elsewhere, bring them back to the flame before you. 

Purification Spray:

Herbs are both powerful tools for cleansing the energy of a person, object, or space. Oftentimes, smoke cleansing is used to channel the cleansing properties of these herbs, however smoke cleansing is not always a viable option for everyone. In the case that smoke cleansing is not an option, or if you are looking for a more convenient alternative, purification sprays are a wonderful choice. Using herbs and crystals — many of which are also great tools for cleansing — purification sprays harness the power of herbs and crystals in an easy-to-use form. Simply spray the purification mist around your space or the object you are looking to cleanse! 

If you’re ever planning on being in our neck of the woods over in Downtown Brampton, give us a call so we can set up a time for you to check out all we have to offer in The Aura Store. We have plenty of tools to help you unwind, and we’d be more than happy to guide you towards the right things to help support your practice.

Written by Maya Price-Baker


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