Why You Need a Sound Bath

Sound is one of the oldest known forms of healing. Everything has a vibration and we as individuals have our own unique frequencies, which is why here at The Aura House, we are big fans of sound baths. 

A sound bath is a deeply-immersive, full-body listening experience that intentionally uses sound to invite gentle yet powerful, therapeutic, and restorative processes to nurture your mind and body while resting in a safe and secure place. The sounds introduced during a sound bath are an invitation into a deeper state of consciousness, an opportunity to unplug from external stimuli and to gain perspective on what’s going on within you. The goal of the experience is to invite deep rest and relaxation, and explore self-inquiry and self-discovery.

The experience begins with each person lying down or seated in a comfortable position, often with a blanket, yoga mat, cushions, bolsters  and an eye mask. After a few minutes of guided focus on the breath, the remainder of the experience is filled with different sounds, vibrations and frequencies being introduced in succession. The sounds are created by a variety of overtone-emitting instruments including tuning forks, spirit drums, chimes, rain sticks, Native drum, shruti box, crystal singing bowls, chimes, and other instruments.

The vibrations are similar to those of the brains’ alpha waves, and they oscillate with an energetically high frequency, like that of the “OM Mantra”. The sound of the singing bowls has an effect on brain-wave frequencies and can help bring the brain into a Theta state within minutes. (Theta waves occur during REM sleep, hypnosis and deep meditation.)  At the same time, the vibrations that emit from the bowls provide a cellular massage.

When you sink into a Sound Bath and guide your awareness to your listening, you allow your brain waves to slow, shifting from a more active state to a more relaxed state, or even a dreamlike state. The benefits of this process include: 

1. Calmed body and mind 

2. Reduced stress and anxiety 

3. Increased focus and clarity 

4. Decreased tension and fatigue 

5. Boosted mood and reduced feelings of anger 

6. Improved sleep 

7. Elevated feelings of spiritual well-being 

8. Increased overall well-being 

9. Deepened states of consciousness 

10. A chance to recharge 

Now of course, you might be wondering how you even go about experiencing a sound bath— but have no fear! We offer sound baths right here in the heart of Downtown Brampton. Our next Sound Bath is this Sunday April 24th, but if you can’t make it, there’s another one to look forward to coming up in May. You can sign up for both on Wellness Living under Special Events. You can also book 1-on-1 Sound Healing appointments with our resident Sound Healer, Karen from Elemental Radiance. 

If you have any questions about Sound Baths and Sound Healing, we’re here to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out.


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