What is Reiki? A quick dive into an ancient healing modality

Reiki is steadily becoming a more well-known practice in Western Society, and over the last two decades it has grown significantly in popularity. If you are involved or interested in the holistic wellness community—The Aura House included— then chances are you’ve heard this word at least once or twice. 

So that leaves us with the question — what is Reiki? 

The word itself broken down means universal life force, something that is not physical. Rei means universal, omnipresent – present everywhere at the same time. Esoterically Rei means spiritual consciousness, the omniscient wisdom from God or the higher self. Ki is the non-physical vitality that gives life to all living things. Many cultures understand and  recognize the importance of Ki energy and how it impacts our lives and well-being. Our Ki energy is very important, as it impacts how we live and feel. 

Everyone has the ability to channel this energy or receive it— as long as you open yourself to it. 

Why receive a Reiki treatment? 

Reiki is a powerful tool that can be used to help us understand how we live our lives and what we need to focus on to grow and learn through our journey.  Energy is universal, and there are many beliefs within spiritual practices or cultures on what it is or how we can use it for healing. Energy is also constantly moving within our bodies, but there are times when our energy gets stuck and chakras become unbalanced. This can be for many reasons— events in our life, thoughts, lack of movement or even what we consume can impact our energy. A trained Reiki practitioner is able to channel the energy that is needed to help balance the person on the table.  

Every part of our body is connected to our energy, and generally has a specific underlying issue/event.  For example, if we look at the whole body, our right side is our feminine and left is masculine. So say there is an issue in the right knee— this can represent a lack of trust in ones’ spiritual path and intuitive abilities. It could be connected to your need to control all the outcomes in your life, fearing and distrusting the unknown. Your Reiki practitioner can help you get to the root of these underlying issues. 

What to expect from a Reiki treatment

Reiki treatment, if you have never had one, generally begins with a bit of conversation, this is for a few reasons. First, it is important for the practitioner and the client to get to know each other. Second, the session should be explained so the client understands what is about to happen. Third, it may help to ease any nerves or answer questions. The first session is always magical, but it doesn’t end there. The follow ups really begin to connect the dots on what areas of your life may be impacting your energy. Most people leave a session feeling relaxed, lighter and even emotional— but there are times when the unknowing can make a person uneasy or nervous. It’s best that you honour how you’re feeling in the moment. You may share this with the practitioner or you may choose to keep it to yourself. Either choice is perfectly fine. It is important after a session to stay hydrated, rest, journal, and be very patient with yourself.

If you’ve been thinking about exploring the beautiful practice that is Reiki, we have options for you here at The Aura House to help you unwind. We offer 60-minute Crystal Reiki sessions and 30-minute Crystal Reiki sessions that you can book for one-on-one crystal infused healing. If you’re feeling the call deeper than that, then you’ll be excited to know that on April 30, 2022, we’ll be hosting Reiki Level 1 Certification with Diana Amaya of Divine Luna Healing. You can learn more about the individual offerings at those links, and you can always reach out to us at hello@theaurahouse.ca with any questions you may have. 

Blog Post Written by Diana Amaya & Edited by Maya Price-Baker



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