Samhain Community Day at The Aura House

Sunday October 31st is Halloween! For anyone who follows the Wheel of The Year, you probably also know that it marks Samhain!

From what we know, Samhain (pronounced like Sah-win) was observed by the Celtic people as a way to celebrate the transition from the the light-half of the wheel of the year into the dark-half, as well as to signify the end of the harvest season. It lands between the Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice, and is one of four fire festivals that fall on the wheel of the year. 

This year, we’re having our own Samhain celebration here at the studio with our very first Samhain Community Day, a three-part special event. Here’s what you can expect: 

10:00 to 11:00 AM — Aura Dance with Lisa 

Aura Dance starts with a slow and sensuous warm-up to get into the body and become acquainted with our surroundings, before diving into intention-based dance that allows you to tap into the rhythm of your body and breath as they move in tandem with your soul's desires, while integrating the experience with a body-based meditation and reflection circle. This 18+ class is facilitated in a safe space where you are encouraged to reconnect to your innate feminine energy as you move in the way you feel called to. Register here

1:00 - 4:00 PM - Community Clothing & Home Essentials Swap

This is our first ever community swap at The Aura House, but hopefully it won’t be our last! The idea is that it will function sort of like a garage sale meets “take a penny, leave a penny”. Bring in your gently used clothing items and home essentials (please make sure they’re freshly washed and sanitized before bringing them in) and browse what other people have brought in. You might just find something that speaks to you or sparks joy that you can take home! Drop-off for items will be between 11am and 1pm, and the swap will take place between 1pm and 4pm! Anything that isn’t claimed by the end of the day will be donated to Regen Thrift— a local non-profit thrift store that directly supports the Regeneration Community Outreach programs here in Brampton. Registration for the swap isn’t mandatory, but it will help us to anticipate how many people will be stopping by so if you could register here, it would be mighty helpful. 

4:00 - 5:00 PM - Community Fall Tea Ceremony with Maxine Barclay 

To close off our Samhain Community Day, we’re thrilled to have one of our resident herbalists, Maxine Barclay, leading us through a tea meditation ceremony. A Tea Meditation Ceremony allows you to focus on the ritual of preparing and drinking a cup of tea. It is a time to reconnect with your body and mind, to let all external influences fade into the background as you enjoy the tea's warmth, aroma, and taste. We ask you to please bring your favourite tea cup or mug and if you’d like, something comfy to sit on (like a pillow, meditation cushion, or bolster). Register here!

We can’t wait to dance, swap, and sip our way through Samhain with all of you!


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