The How-Tos of Mindful Gift Giving

Many of us have explored the practice of mindfulness. Here at The Aura House, mindfulness is at the core of mostly everything we do! In moments of stress or unease, incorporating mindfulness can help you achieve a sense of groundedness and presence. The holidays are a magical time, but it’s no secret that they can also be stressful. So when the stress of the holiday season—particular holiday shopping—starts to creep in, why not turn to mindfulness? Here are some of our tips on mindful gift giving this holiday season. 

1. Be intentional — Know Your Why

When you’re choosing a gift for a loved one in your life, try and determine why you’ve chosen that gift for them. Rather than buying something for someone just because it looks pretty or seems like a good gift, have a reason in the back of your mind why you think that person might enjoy it. Will a cozy pair of socks help them feel more comfortable during our long winter? Did that book on meditation remind you of them because you know they’ve been stressed from work? Maybe it’s just something that reminds you of the bond you share with them. It doesn’t have to be a revolutionary reason, but know the why behind the gift idea. 

2. Make it Personal — Think of Them

This seems like a no brainer— of course you think of the recipient when getting a gift— but many of us fall into the trap of buying something that is convenient or trendy. Some of us even fall into the trap of buying things that we would like ourselves and then gifting them to other people. If you want to be more mindful in your gift giving this year, sit down with a pen and paper and put some serious thought into what someone might really love. What areas of their life could use a little extra support or care, and how can you provide that in a simple and meaningful way?

3. Incorporate Gratitude — To Love and Be Loved

Remember when giving a gift that the gift is just a small part of the overall experience. It's your presence, the time, thought, and effort put into the exchange, and the deepened connection between giver and receiver that really matters. When giving a gift, be grateful to have the opportunity to do so. When receiving a gift, no matter what it is, be grateful that the giver has taken the time to pick something out just for you. 

Still feeling stuck? Here are some ideas that you can use as a starting point. 

  • A meal kit subscription for someone who is busy and doesn’t always have time to cook. 

  • A day pass to a spa, a meditation app, or a membership to a local yoga and wellness studio to encourage them to take time to rest. 

  • Crystals to help support certain areas of their life. 

  • A day spent together at the movies or an activity that you can enjoy together. 

  • Personal care items to encourage them to set aside some time for self-care. 

  • Tickets to an event or performance that you know they’d love to attend. 

  • Baked goods with lots of love mixed right in. 

Don’t forget that The Aura Store is open for your holiday shopping needs. Stop by to browse what we have in store— from crystals and candles to yoga props and personal care products— before or after any of our regularly scheduled evening classes. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. We’re here to help however we can so that you can fully enjoy the holidays this year. 

Blog Post written by Maya Price-Baker


Yule Intention Setting: Finding the Light in the Winter Solstice


Community Week 2021