Community Week 2021

Community is important to us here at The Aura House. The Aura House creed (you can find them on the black wall in The Aura Store) begins with a very specific word— United. From the very beginning, our goal has been to be more than just another Brampton yoga studio. We wanted to create a community where people can explore the different modalities we offer like reiki, meditation, yoga, and sound healing, and feel like they belong. That’s why we have community week. Community week is our way of thanking the people who have trusted and stuck with us over the past year and a half while simultaneously welcoming in those who are just starting to explore.

How does community week work?

Last year, community week happened entirely online because of the pandemic. Now that we’re able to run in-person classes, things will be a little different. Community week will run in-studio AND virtually from December 27-30, 2021. Here’s what you’ll need to know:

  • All virtual classes will be completely, 100% free for new and existing members

  • NEW Members can use promo code COMMUNITYWEEK2021 for 50% off drop-in classes*

  • All items in The Aura Store will be 10% off! That includes crystals, candles, handmade soaps, yoga props, and our natural body care items!  

  • The schedule for community week will be the same as it is the rest of the month. 

  • There will be limited spaces available for in-person classes, but unlimited spaces for online classes. 

  • We’ll have 1-1 Sound Healing & Reiki Deals offered all throughout the week too!

Community week is a way for us to give back to our loyal members, to welcome in new friends, and to allow the community outside of our doors to see what The Aura House is really about— because we are more than a yoga studio. There’s a heart and soul to this place that you can’t miss when you’re in the space. So come here, and see for yourself! Whether you’re a beginner to yoga or a seasoned holistic wellness aficionado, we’ll be waiting with open doors and open arms (for air hugs from a safe distance, of course!)

*Promo code activates on December 27th and can be used as many times as you’d like for drop-in yoga classes until the 31st. Here is a how to on redeeming promo codes at checkout:

Blog Post Written by Maya Price-Baker


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