The Importance of pre-registration

We take pride in staying open and honest with the community here at The Aura House — authenticity is deeply embedded in our pillars, so it’s something we really focus on maintaining. 

One of the ways that we try to continue being authentic with our members and non-members alike is by being transparent — being really real — about how things are behind the scenes through our newsletters, social media, and in the honest chats we have here in studio. One of those messages we communicated recently is about the importance of pre-registering for classes.

This spring, we had a couple weeks that were on the slower side, which resulted in cancelling more classes than we would ever want to (we never want to cancel class), and it brought up the reasons—there are several!— we ask community members to register ahead for classes.

  1. It gives us a way of knowing how many people we can expect in class. As a small business, we have to be realistic about what is possible for us. In a world that is just starting to slowly find its way out of a pandemic, running classes with too few members attending just isn’t sustainable for us.

  2. It helps our teachers know what to expect. Our teachers put a lot of time and effort into planning their classes, and always want those classes to benefit the students as much as possible. What a teacher plans for a class of 14 students might be completely different from what they plan for a class of 5 students— both will be wonderful practices, but the way those practices take shape could shift depending on the number of students a teacher will be interacting with, observing, assisting, and encouraging along the way.

  3. It lets us know who to notify if a class does, for any reason, have to be cancelled. If unforeseen circumstance arise and a class isn’t able to run, having a list of pre-registered attendees lets us know who we need to contact to inform about any changes. It also gives us a way to contact members who were planning to take the class for more minor changes, like if the teacher has a specific prop they’ve suggested you bring from home.

At the end of the day, pre-registering allows all of us to be as best prepared as possible. We want our members, visitors, and community to have a positive experience whenever they are interacting with us and our space. By pre-registering, you help us make that possible.


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