Tuning in with the July Super Moon

What is a Super Moon?

The term super-moon was coined by an American astrologer Richard Nolle in 1979. At the time he used to describe a new moon and a full moon occurring at or near its full perigee (point where it is closest to the earth).

Super-moons are still classified as being the closest point to the earth, amplifying their size in the sky.

Spiritually, the super-moon highlights your hidden emotions, ideas and thoughts.  The brightness of the super-moon makes it difficult to brush things off that you would  normally like to ignore.

July’s Super-moon

This month the super-moon is taking place during Cancer season, the super-moon in Capricorn symbolizes the balance between your work and home life. Cancer rules the inner world, how you see yourself and Capricorn is a reflection of how you are seen by others.  This super-moon focuses on setting clear boundaries when it comes to managing your personal and private life.

July’s super-moon also symbolizes your sense of urgency and self-discipline. Reflecting on your daily actions, are you focused on work and neglect your social circle or are you the type to prioritize fun over hard work? The super—moon is pushing you to focus on your biggest goals and aspirations.

Buck Moon

The fully full moon is also called the Buck Moon, honoring the growth cycle of male deer’s antlers. Bucks shed and regrow their antlers each year, each time producing a stronger and larger set. During this time the buck’s antlers are at full growth, if we shift in an astrological perspective, Capricorn’s persistence helps a person learn and grow no matter the hardship.

How to work with the Super-moon energy?

It’s time to sit down with your journal and meditate. Allow yourself to settle, your mind, breath, just allow what needs to rise and be shown to you. If meditating is not your thing, writing is another option. Through our rambles in our journals we reveal so much of ourselves, goals, dreams, frustrations, setbacks. Celebrate any steps you have achieved towards your goals, that includes making time to reflect.

This lunation also brings forth the urge to purge, take inventory of what you no longer need in your life, physically, spiritually and emotionally. 

Blog Post Written by Diana Amaya of Divine Luna Healing


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