Gentle Reminders for the New Year

For many of us, the new year represents a time to set new goals and intentions that we wish to carry forward with us as the year goes on. It’s also a great time to begin to build new habits or to shift away from old habits that no longer serve us, and to remind ourselves of things we may have forgotten in the busy-ness of the year. 

As we move forward into the new year, there are a couple of things we wanted to remind everyone of so that we can start the year on the best foot here at The Aura House. 

1. Anyone who arrives for class more than 3 minutes after the class start time is not permitted to enter. 

We want to be respectful of everyone’s time— yours, your teachers’, and your fellow practitioners’. This means starting and finishing on time because we understand that your time is precious. Now, there are always going to be factors that are out of your control. In those cases, exceptions can be made at the discretion of TAH staff, but we want to keep things fair to all. The best way to ensure that you arrive before the start of class is to give yourself lots of extra time. Aiming to be at the studio 15 minutes before your class is usually a good cushion in case you happen upon any obstacles on your way. 

2. Class space is limited.

When you sign-up for a class and then don’t show up or cancel your registration, you’re potentially hanging onto a spot that someone else could fill. By cancelling early when you know you won’t be able to make it, you free up space for people on the wait-list to share in the practice. We understand sometimes things come up out of the blue and you don’t have much notice, but letting us know ASAP helps us keep things running smoothly. 

3. Props (mats, blocks & bolsters ONLY) can be rented at an exchange of $1 per prop. 

Because the early days of The Aura House took place during the height of the pandemic, we started with a no-prop-sharing policy to keep everyone safe. When we started to introduce prop-sharing again, the most important thing was to ensure that the props were properly sanitized in between uses. This process requires supplies and time— and those things have a cost. In order to stay safe and afloat, the decision was made to introduce a small fee for prop rentals to help shoulder the cost of cleaning supplies and the time it takes to sanitize the props in between uses. And remember, you can always bring your own props (ask about our guide to DIY props if you’re interested). 

4. You are the authority of your body.

Nobody knows your body and how it’s feeling better than you do. That’s why it’s important to remember that although you are coming to class to receive guidance from our teachers, it’s important that you listen to your body and do what feels good. When modifications and variations are offered, it is up to you which shape you choose to take. Advocate for yourself, honour where you’re at, and be honest with us about how we can better support you in your practice. 

The Aura House has always been intended to be a place where everyone can unwind, feel unashamed and live their lives unbound. We want to see your beautiful faces, and the policies we have in place exist so that we can keep doing exactly that. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We will do our absolute best to provide answers.


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New Year …. Next You