New Year …. Next You

“New year, new you!”

We’ve all heard it before— the narrative that the new year is time for a full overhaul of who you are to launch you into being better than yourself. “Set these intentions” … “Commit to your Resolutions” … But what if we change that narrative? What if instead of becoming a new you, you simply become the next you. What if instead of being better than yourself, you become a better version of yourself as you are. 

We’re proposing a change. Not “new year, new you”, but “new year, next you”. This year, instead of aiming to change, let’s aim to go within and grow from there. 

We’re bombarded with messages all the time from companies trying to convince us that we are broken and that we need to be fixed, and sometimes it can feel like they’re right. But the truth is, we evolve to become the next version of ourselves every single day. 

So instead of entering the new year with the frame of mind that you have to change, enter with the knowledge that you are simply ready to continue your evolution. You’re ready to welcome the next version of yourself with an open mind. You’re prepared to stand your ground and honour who you are — even with all of the challenges life throws at you. 

Be kind to yourself this new year. Approach yourself with softness, and the sort of gentleness that you reserve for the people who you hold dearest. As the calendar year turns over, we’ll say it together: “new year, next me.”

Blog Post Written by Maya Price-Baker


Gentle Reminders for the New Year
